幼年教育研究年報 Volume 33
published_at 2011-12-01


The child care student's causal attribution and correspondence to ADHD behavioral feature
Hamada Shoko
517 KB
Children with ADHD (attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder) present significant problems with attention, impulsiveness and over-activity. In the investigation, the causal attribution and the correspondence to the child who showed the ADHD behavioral feature by the child care student were examined.

As a result, it was shown that it belonged easily to "Child" and "Parents" factor the ADHD behavioral feature. Additionally, the difference by child's sex became clear, too. The boy belonged easily from the girl to "Child" factor. The ADHD behavioral feature is considered to be boy's character. Moreover, it has been understood that the correspondence to the ADHD behavioral feature is assumed that "Positive relations" is the most suitable. When belonging to "Parents", the boy got "Positive relations", the girl got "Severe relations" and the correlations seen.

It has been understood that the causal attribution and correspondence are different according to whether the subject of the ADHD behavioral feature is a boy or a girl from these results. It might not be assumed the problem because it is caught as seeming a boy boy's ADHD behavioral feature. However, girl's ADHD behavioral feature might be judged that severe relations are necessary because it is assumed the problem, and is considered act of should the correction.

Differing, the causal attribution and the correspondence of the same action according to sex shows the possibility that a human environment in the child care is not equal.
ADHD behavioral feature
child care students
causal attributions
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