幼年教育研究年報 33 巻
2011-12-01 発行

中国の「随班就読」の概念をめぐる論争 : 陳雲英を中心に

Dispute on Conception of "Classroom Integration" in China : the view point of the theory of Chen Yunying
趙 京玉
429 KB
In 1987, Chen Yunying, an expert in Special Education from Taiwan, arrived in mainland China after completing her Doctoral degree from US in special education. Her suggestion is to integrate special education into ordinary school system. She becomes the researcher and the initiator of classroom integration in China. She has greatly influenced the development of special education and reformation in China. She is now the head of Research Institute of Special Education, Department of Central Education, of China.

By comparing with other specialist's opinion on "classroom integration", differences on the concept are mainly as follows
1. In Chen's opinion, classroom integration have been influenced by philosophy of special education from Europe and US.
2. In piao's opinion, classroom integration have been influenced much by philosophy of special education from Soviet Union instead of from Europe and US.
3. In Deng's opinion, classroom integration have been influenced by philosophy of special education from Soviet Union besides Europe and US.
CHINA CHEN Yunying Classroom Integration Concept
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