学校教育実践学研究 Volume 28
published_at 2022-03-18

道徳教育のための異文化間対話 : 宗教観に関する自己意識の重要性

Intercultural Dialogues for Moral Education: On Importance of Religious Self-Awareness
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A few years ago, moral education was made compulsory in public elementary and high schools in Japan. That created a problem because teachers can now highly influence students’ values and beliefs through their teaching. To address this issue, I developed a practical discussion-based activity for pre-service teachers about various everyday practices and beliefs related to religion and spirituality. The study showed that through the activity, the students realized their perspectives on values, ethics, and religion. The pre-service teachers with such a raised awareness will be more able to recognize and accept other people's socio-cultural differences and teach in a more objective way.
本論は,日本道徳教育学会第94 回(令和元年度秋季)大会で発表した内容に基づいている。
本研究はJSPS 科研費20K14003 の助成による成果の一部です。
moral education
teacher training
intercultural understanding
religious self-awareness
teachers’ objectivity