学校教育実践学研究 Volume 28
published_at 2022-03-18

学校ベースの教師教育者は教育実習指導経験をいかに意味づけているのか : 4名の教師への相互インタビューを通して

A narrative Inquiry on Teaching Practice Instruction for School-based Teacher Educators
Ishikawa Teruko
Nishimura Yutaka
Fukami Tomokazu
Morozumi Ryohei
737 KB
While teaching practice in school for pre-service teachers currently gains more attention by researchers who find positive effects for mentors, it has not been focused yet how teaching practice instruction could be the arena of professional development for school-based teacher educators. To discuss the importance of fostering professional development of school-based teacher educators through teaching practice in school, this paper held an interview with four teacher educators who experienced growth through teaching practice instruction. Through the analysis of their narratives of how they view teaching practice instruction, experience-based learning process to be a teacher educator was found with four key categories. This paper then reconstructed experiential learning model: Those key categories played important roles for proceeding experiential learning cycle that indicates strategies for the professional development.
Teaching practice instruction
teacher educator
experiential learning
Professional development for teacher educator