学校教育実践学研究 Volume 22
published_at 2016-03-22

室内での堆積物観察・水槽実験を取り入れた地学実習プログラム : 教員免許状更新講習の例

An active learning program of earth science study using observation of sediments and flume experiments in the laboratory: an example in a refresher course for teacher’s license renewal
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Two hours laboratory program including flume experiments and an observation activity of strata in the laboratory was done as a refresher course for teacher’s license. The aim of the course is to gain the knowledge of sedimentation and to improve experimental technique. Understanding the transportation and sedimentation of sediments through experiments and observation of recent deposits enable teachers who take the course to understand that geological phenomena are ongoing process and to get the actualistic thinking skill.
本講習内容の事前の検討に際して,科学研究費補助金基盤研究(課題番号25242015, 26350235)を使用した。