Recently, the educational approach called “cognitive counselling” has been proposed as the effective teaching method which let schoolchildren become independent at every occasion of learning. This study is a case report of the cognitive counselling for a boy of fifth grader who has difficulties in understanding of the arithmetic. Our assessment revealed that he may settle for answering questions simply without careful thinking or may operate them only in his mind or may not be able to use appropriate learning strategy. Therefore these factors could make him experience difficulties in arithmetic. So we aimed at making use of lesson induction and helping him acquire appropriate learning strategy by suggesting the learning strategy that utilized external resources. A concrete advice to him was to use the label for questions in calculation and chart for those in sentence as more appropriate strategy. As a result of these supports, a part of his inadequate knowledge has changed to apply the external resources for his own learning making use of lesson induction. It was suggested that he adopted the learning strategy which use external labels/charts effectively.