学校教育実践学研究 Volume 21
published_at 2015-03-20

中学校国語科におけるリテラチャー・サークル実践の展開 : 「少年の日の思い出」を扱う単元の場合 <学習指導法・教材およびカリキュラム開発>

Some Considerations on lessons by Literature Circles in a Junior High Japanese Language Arts Classroom : In the case of an unit with Hermann Hesse’s Jugendgedenken
Igawa Ayuko
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In this paper, possibilities of the Literature Circles practice in Japanese junior high language classes were explored. By considering on lessons of Hermann Hesse’s Jugendgedenken in a Grade 8 Japanese Language Arts classroom using the idea of Literature Circles, we found such lessons had effects to enhance students’ appetite for learning and reading abilities. And we also suggested that the Literature Circles methodology would be effective to developing students’ abilities for comprehending texts as learning materials, then we suggested many Japanese classrooms should adapt Literature Circles more actively.