学校教育実践学研究 Volume 21
published_at 2015-03-20

にこにこルームの学習支援プログラムが学生の力量に及ぼす効果(7) : 平成25年度の学生を対象とした質問紙調査 <生徒指導・教育相談>

Effects of Niko Niko Room's educational support program on students' ability formation (7) : Survey results of students who participated in the programs of 2013
Kojima Nanae
668 KB
The effects of Niko Niko Room’s educational support programs of 2013 on university students were examined in this study. In this program, university students supported school children with their studies, especially arithmetic, based on cognitive counseling (Ichikawa, 1993). The actual study support was taught and supervised by supervisors, and cases were taken under review by the group. Data of 55 students who answered questionnaires before and after the programs were analyzed. Of the 55 students, 23 students did the actual study support and 32 students observed the study support done by other students. Results showed that students’ abilities of “teaching skills”, “relationship between students and guardians”, and “assessment” were formed in both the students who did the actual support and who did the observations through their participation in the programs. Results also showed that students’ ability of “lesson induction” was formed through the actual support.