学校教育実践学研究 13 巻
2007-03-20 発行


Student Guidance and School Life Guidance in Student Planners in the U.S.A.
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This study reviewed the American student guidance and school life guidance by concrete descriptions of three Student Planners from 2005 to 2006 in High Schools and one Middle School. The mission statement student behavior guidelines, consequences of misbehaviors, dress and appearance guidelines, and possession of cell phones and electronic equipments were reviewed. Student attitudes, especially bullying and harassment were reported in detail. I found many ideas we could adopt from them. For example, most rules and most guidelines are consistent with the mission statement and every guideline are concrete enough to understand. Procedures and correspondences about anti-harassment and anti-bullying might be proper to introduce. But, we also found the differences of severities of rules even in similar mission statements. I discuss the difficulties in adopting American student guidelines and student life guidlines for use in Japan.
本稿を執筆するに際し,平成17年度, 兵庫教育大学連合大学院;プロジェクトE 「教育実践額の理論構築およびモデル研究」,平成18年度,科学研究費,基盤研究(B) 「児童•生徒のポジテイプな特性を育む生活指導の心理学的研究」(課題番号18330191) の経費を使用した。