広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 5 巻
2015-03-26 発行

ことばを通して学ぶ意欲を高める国語科の研究 : 読み物教材における「対比」の効果

A Study of Improving Students' Motivations to Learn Through Words in Japanese: Effects of Contrast in Reading Materials
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This study aims to examine effects of contrast in reading in order to read characters' unrevealed feelings and to think of writers' intentions by overlapping two different episodes through contrast. The result shows that contrast in reading is an effective method to make students deepen their understandings of the context of stories. Additionally, this study indicates that students don't fully understand meanings of words intentionally used in materials by using a dictionary. By contrasting analogies in texts, meanings of ambiguous words were embodied. Through group activities, students can interpret meanings of words with their own words. In every lesson, students deepened their understandings of the texts by focusing on words by contrasting analogies and other interpretations. Results of the survey in this study show: students are more likely to think that learning Japanese is useful. Implications of the results are discussed to improve students' motivations to learn Japanese.
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