広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 5 巻
2015-03-26 発行

グローバル化に対応した文化産業学習の授業開発 : 第5学年「世界とつながる日本」を事例として

A Study of Developing Llessons on the Cultural Industry Learning Corresponding to Globalization: Case of "Japan Connected to the World" at Fifth Grade
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This study aims to develop lessons dealing with typical examples of manga and anime focusing on the cultural industry like Cool Japan recently paid much attention in Japan to make students perceive current Japanese industry in addition to learning about industries such as agriculture, industry-, and information. Specifically, "Doraemon" is well-known in Japan and Asian counties. However, it hadn't come on the air in the U.S. by 2014. By contrast, "Spirited Away" released in 2001 won the Berlin International Film Festival Golden Bear and Academy Award for best animated feature film of the year. Therefore, this study considers ways of corresponding to globalization in terms of culture by comparing the two anime mentioned above.
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