広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 5 巻
2015-03-26 発行

体験活動を取り入れた食に関する指導方法と教材の検討② : 第2学年「お米のパワーを見つけよう」の実践を通して

An Examination of an Instruction and Material to Foster Attitudes toward Eating: Learning and Experiencing a Virtue of Rice
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This study aims to discuss effects of an instruction and a material on fostering of second-year pupils' attitudes toward eating rice. First, in the class, they learned some advantages of eating rice and then tried actually chewing it carefully. The children left some comments on reflection sheets such as "I could feel my brain very active while chewing rice," "I learned that rice has so many 'Yellow-kun' ('carbohydrates' in technical terms) in it," "The more carefully I chewed rice, the sweeter it began to taste. Now I know that it has a taste itself'," and "I'm going to be always sure to eat up the rice in my bowl and leave none of it." Right after the class, during the lunchtime, they showed signs of a change: Some appealed to the classmates to chew a mouthful of rice thirty times before swallowing it, and others thought up a slogan to eat it up without leaving a grain in their own bowl. A follow-up questionnaire also revealed that the number of them changed their ways of eating rice and developed a taste of it because they understood advantages of eating rice.
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