広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 5 巻
2015-03-26 発行


The Idea of Teaching Program with Reading Diary to Improve Competence of Reading Books
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This research aims to show a plan of teaching program with reading diary in elementary school, based on previous studies and my four-year teaching practice. First, "competence of reading books" is defined as the sum of reading technique, motivation and attitude towards reading, and habit of reading. This conceptualization is from previous studies including the results of PISA and National Achievement Examinations. Then, the four perspectives are introduced: (1) the clarification of competence of reading books, (2) consecutive and systematic reading activity to form the competence of reading books, (3) reading instruction connected to writing instruction, and (4) differentiated instructions for individuals. These perspectives finally lead to my suggestion of a teaching plan using reading log for the first year kids. This annual program deal with a systematic and spiral instruction.
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