広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 5 巻
2015-03-26 発行

興味・関心を高める中学校国語科の授業づくり : 「向上性」に着目した「読むこと」の授業を通して

Japanese Language Classroom Design for a Higher Motivation of Students: Through a Reading Class with a Special Focus on Tenaciousness
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This research aims to design a Japanese reading class where students are highly motivated to learn. What is focused is tenaciousness, or the attitude to work on tasks without giving up. In 8th grade, a teacher made students think about processes to produce their opinions based on facts. Hence, lessons aimed to make students think deeply about facts based on their opinions by showing false facts to them. In the 9th grade, objectivities of lessons were to make students infer what is not explicated in novel, such as character's feelings. In these two classes, they were often observed to read patiently. Implications of this study are discussed to clarify the aim of the class clearly and design a task to evaluate their achievements easily by themselves for future study.
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