広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 5 巻
2015-03-26 発行

見通しとの不一致から自己を見直す態度を形成する理科授業 : 第3学年「太陽の光を調べよう」の学習を通して

A Study of Developing Science Lessons to Foster Children's Attitudes for Rethinking Themselves from Prospects and Discrepancies: Through Learning of Looking at Sunlight at Third Grade
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This study aims to improve the experimental method by making children think about causations of errors and mistakes in results focusing on the analysis of results of each group in the entire class. Results reveal that children become aware of different results corresponding to different groups under the same experiment and enrich the necessity of investigating their causations. Additionally, this study shows that making children recognize errors and mistakes in each experiment set by a teacher enables them to think about specific causations based on results of their own groups. As a result, this leads to improvement of the experimental method. In contrast, it is difficult for children to think about causations after the experiment when one child on behalf of the group carries out the experimental procedure.
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