広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 5 巻
2015-03-26 発行

書く力を育成する段階的指導の研究(2) : 「将来の夢」を書くプロセスを通して

A Small-Step Instruction to Foster Writing Skills (II): Through the Process to Write My Dream in the Future
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This study aims to consider an effective way to promote students' writing skills. The foreign language section in the MEXT Course of Study expects instructions to include language activities "to write about one's thoughts and feelings" "so as to accurately convey" it "to the reader(s)" (MEXT, 2007, p. 92). The present study reported junior high school English lessons designed to help students write well-organized sentences on a subject of my dream in the future, and analyzed the lessons from five perspectives: (a) showing of model sentences, (b) structured worksheets, (c) instruction on writing activities, (d) individual thoughts, and (e) group thoughts. The small-step instruction from acquisition to application was found to be effective for students to write well-organized sentences.
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