広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 5 巻
2015-03-26 発行

チームで連係することの必要感を高めるボール運動の授業づくり : 学びがつながる「ソフトバレーボール」の実践を通して

How to Organize Ball Exercise Classes That can Guide Students to Identify the Need to be Connected as a Team: through Soft Volleyball Classes That would Help Students Utilize Their Acquired Skills.
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This study aims to report how to organize classes that can make students identify the need to enhance a sense of cooperation with the team, through examining soft volleyball classes for two years. The actual practice followed important points in class organization that would let students emphasize the necessity to cooperate with the team: contrive ways in setting a target of a subject, in the ways to convey classes, and in utilizing tactical time-out. As a result, teachers take it for granted that they need to give instructions on three-way attack; however, it become clear that it is difficult for students to recognize the necessity to cooperate with the team unless they don't think how they can take advantages of the opportunities to touch the ball for three times. Further research needs to be followed on how students can utilize statistics acquired from upper grades volleyball classes in that of junior high schools.
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