広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 5 巻
2015-03-26 発行

関数理解を促す算数科授業の実践的研究 : 図形領域における関数の観念を育成する授業の創造

Action Research on Mathematics Lessons to Promote Children's Understanding of Figures: Lesson Development to Make Students Foster Concepts of Fiction in the Area of Figures
鈴木 昌ニ
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This study aims to investigate effects of lessons to make children become aware of fiction and its merits by actively showing them principles of fiction in a unit or one lesson in four areas of mathematics such as number and calculation, quantity and measurement, figures, and relationships of numerical quantity on cultivation of children's attitudes toward "concepts of fiction" to use it actively and voluntarily. Results show that children are more likely to develop their understandings of concepts of fiction by intentionally dealing with fiction in class. Additionally, contents of teaching for each grade and acquired attitudes by children in one unit are clear when lessons are carried out on the basis of hypothetically thinking about how children raise their attitudes corresponding to each grade. Implications of results are discussed to propose effects of lessons to make children foster "concepts of fiction"
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