広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 Issue 64
published_at 2015-12-18

A.R. ルリアのロマンティックサイエンスの構造と意義

The Structure and Significance of A. R. Luria’s Romantic Science
Matsuo Nami
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A.R.Luria (1992-1977) was a neuropsychologist of the Soviet Union. He and his colleagues, L.S.Vygotsky and A.N.Leontief framed the Cultural-Historical theory. In this study, I revealed the structure of ‘Romantic Science’ which he ran his studies toward, by explain his study history in order. ‘Romantic Science’ suggests that psychologists should integrate ‘nomothetic’ and ‘idiographic’ sciences. He bereaved vast legacies on psychology and the number of methods and examinees are almost uncountable. He had sustained this idea from the early stage to the end of his life, and he’d developed this idea too. He established two case studies about two people with whom bounded brain and vast memory, and in those studies Luria described their personalities by ‘simple observation’. His outcomes about higher function of brain were succeeded to coming ages, and cognitive scientists theorized PASS theory of intelligence which explains how human brain recognize and process new information. Those studies and those results have been used in the field of education for children with learning disabilities. Recently, the wider objects are treated in those practices, the more need to ought to give Luria’s romantic science more credit. When we use psychological assessments for children, the discrepancies between ‘directly child understanding’ and ‘indirectly child understanding’ are often shows those width. The former means the understanding with ‘teacher’s observation’, and the latter means that with ‘psychological assessment’ and so on. The constructs of these discrepancies are similar to the gap between the ‘general laws’ and ‘individual characteristics’ which Luria faced in his case studies. There is a possibility that Luria’s romantic science solves the problem of the discrepancies.
A.R. ルリア
知能のPASS 理論
Romantic Science
PASS theory of intelligence
Understanding Children