広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 Issue 61
published_at 2012-12-21


The Reference Books of Nagasaki Normal School
Suzuki Rie
828 KB
Nagasaki normal school was founded in Meiji 7, and was abolished in Meiji 11. According to the library catalogue, Nagasaki normal school possessed about 50,000 volumes when it was closed. Those books were classified into the textbooks of the elementary school, the textbooks of the normal school, the reference books, and the foreign books. In this paper, I clarified about the contents of the reference books. The reference books consist of about 930 kinds of Chinese books and Japanese books. Japanese books are divided into the books of the Edo period and Meiji era. Chinese books consist of about 160 kinds of 3,000 or more volumes. The books of the Edo period consist of about 250 kinds of about 3,000 volumes. The books of Meiji Era consist of about 500 kinds of about 3,000 volumes. There are many books of Japanese history. The contents of the books of the Meiji era are various.
Nagasaki normal school
collection of books
library catalogue