広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 63 号
2014-12-19 発行

自ら考える力を高める哲学教育の論理 : Philosophy for Children プログラム小学校低学年用コースの場合

Strategy of Philosophy Education to Develop Thinking Children : An Analysis of Curriculum for Early Elementally School in the Program “Philosophy for Children”
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In this study, the author explores the strategy of the philosophy education to develop thinking children by analyzing of structures of the curriculum for early elementally school in the program “Philosophy for Children”. The curriculum consists of a storybook and instructional manual. The curriculum is structured so that children are made aware of problematical concepts in their own life, and then required to practice judge relations of concepts on their own experience. Children discover good judgments in collaborative inquiry and realize that they make criteria. Student’s realizations for revision of their own thinking is the most important part of the curriculum. This is a departure from the way that philosophy education has been traditionally thought. New philosophy education has a strategy as children develop reasoning in the thinking by themselves thorough cycle of revision of thinking.
doing philosophy
community of inquiry
curriculum analysis