広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 62
published_at 2013-12-20

現代中国における小学校社会科授業論の改革 : 北京師範大学出版社版「品徳と社会」教師用指導書の分析を通して

A Study on the Instructional Theory Reform of the Elementary Social Studies in Modern China : Through analyzing the social studies teacher's guidebook developed by BEIJING Normal University Publishing Company
Wan Biao
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The curriculum standards for elementary social studies of China which is published in 2002, showed that "inquiry learning, experience learning, problem-solving learning" is the most important ways to study morality and society (Chinese elementary social studies textbook). On the instructional theory reform of China, there was a lot of new method for social studies which is introduced from Japan or U.S.A. The aim of this paper is the following three. 1) to analyze the example lesson plans which is used by the new method in the teacher's guidebook developed by BEIJING Normal University Publishing Company; 2) to show what is the feature of the instructional theory in the teacher's guidebook; 3) to see what has changed in social studies and show the significance of the instructional theory reform of modern China.
Instructional Theory Reform
Inquiry Learning
Experience Learning
Problem-solving Learning
Morality and Society