広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 58 号
2009-12-25 発行

家庭科における布を用いた製作の自己評価活動の意義と展望 : 学習過程に着目した評価研究の検討をふまえて

A Study on Educational Significance and Vision of the Self-evaluation Activity in Hand Sewing Class in Home Economics Education : Review of evaluation research about learning process
一色 玲子
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The purpose of this paper is to examine the educational significance and vision of the self-evaluation activity on learning process in hand sewing class in home economics education. The review of evaluation research about learning process in hand sewing class showed that self-evaluation activity about making process was reflected for learners' individual changes. While, there were two subjects: self-evaluation ability was associated meaning to execute their learning activity as handicraft-learning, and to consider the evaluation object. There were three levels on the handicraft-learning, activity-act-operation according to the activity theory (A, N. Leontiev, 1975). The handicraft-learning activity was composed of production activity and self-evaluation activity, and of three stages: (A) plan and design, (B) making (cut, sewing, decoration), (C) work evaluation. To examine the evaluation object about self-evaluation activity on these stages, internal operations depended on external operations for each act. This framework suggested that the internal operation of self-evaluation activity was needed for teachers and learners for each evaluation.
home economics education
hand sewing
internal operation