広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 58 号
2009-12-25 発行

占領下の日本における家庭科教育の成立と展開(XXIII) : 博士論文に見るM. ウィリアムソンの家庭科教育思想と占領教育政策への反映

The Establishment and Development of Homemaking Education in Japan under the Occupation(XXIII) : Maude Williamson's thought of homemaking education on her dissertation and its influence on Japanese education policy
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This report clears Maude Williamson's thought of homemaking education on her dissertation and its influence on secondary homemaking education in Japan under occupation. By the analysis of Dr. Williamson's dissertation, books and other documents, the results were as follows: (1) At the beginning in the 1880s, American homemaking education began by way of instruction for girls only. Dr. Williamson's thought recognized to be in need of homemaking education for boys, was formed by investigation on historical development of home economics in the U.S.A. (2) The Japanese leaders influenced by Dr. Williamson, investigated and designed secondary homemaking education curriculum for boys in 1949. It was published in 1950. Now these leader's experiences have formed the basis of idea with regard to homemaking education for girls and boys in Japan.
M. Williamson
homemaking education for boys
M. ウィリアムソン