広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 52
published_at 2004-03-28

小説教材の読みにおける〈作者側の読者〉と〈物語読者〉の対話・葛藤 (2) : フラジャイルなテクストによる読者側の葛藤の喚起

Dialogical Relationships between "the Authorial Reader" and "the Narrative Reader" in Reading of Fiction (2) : Engndering Reader's Conflicts by the Rhetoric of Fragile Texts
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In this Paper, Peter Rabinowitz and Michael Smith's Authorizing Readers (1997) was considered as a fundamental work for teaching of fictional texts. Rabinowitz and Smith emphasized the dialogical relationships between "the authorial reader" and "the narrative reader" in reading acts of a practical reader. Rabinowitz argued that if readers failed to playing either "the authorial reader" or "the narrative reader", they would take any misreadings such that what he called "Quixotic" or "Emma-Bovary" or "Blimberism." On the other hand, Smith argued if readers wouldn't play as "the narrative reader" but as "the authorial reader," they couldn't get the point of the story, and couldn't respect not only characters and narrator but also the author of the story. Rabinowitz also emphasized the rhetoric of fragile texts, and suggested that we teachers of fictions must resist what he called "the Doctorine of the Macho Text," and consider the fragilities of fictional texts for comprehending any other reader's comprehention. In conclusion, some suggestions for reconstructioning teaching and learning of fictions were suggested as follows ; 1)For respect to the author, we must recognize the effectiveness of "the authorial reader" concept in reading act. ; 2)For respect to the narrators and the fictional characters, we must develop literary reading process founded by the triadic relations with practical reader, "the authorial reader" and "the narrative reader" ; 3)For respect any other peer-readers, we should develop teaching practices holding perspectives to fragilities of fictional texts.
authorial reader
narrative reader
teaching of literature