広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 50
published_at 2002-02-28

十七世紀初期~中期日朝知識人の他者像 : 林羅山と朝鮮通信使の筆談によせて

Japanese and Korean intellectuals' images of each other in the 17th century : Based on the transcripts between Hayashi Razan and Korean envoys
Kim Sunhee
995 KB
Korean envoys were sent on 12 occasions to the Tokugawa administration during the Edo period. Today, They are considered as a model of "good neighborly friendship". However, the written transcripts between these people do not give this image. Hayashi Razan had relations with the first Korean Envoy until the 6th Korean envoy. In this paper, through the transcripts betweem Hayashi Razan and the Korean envoys, I hope to establish what images they had of eadh other before and after their meetings.