広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 50 号
2002-02-28 発行

スウェーデンにおける学校と地域システムを通した環境教育 : 自然体験型学習を中心として

A Study of Environmental Education through School and Community Systems in Sweden : With a Focus on Outdoor Education
清水 麻記
893 KB
This paper introduces the status of Environmental Education (EE) in Sweden from the pre-school stage to the life-long learning stage. Through comparing educational situations in Sweden and Japan, the paper explores a desirable EE system in the community. Since EE deals with complex issues, a whole collaborative community support from individuals, schools, museums and NGO is required to further promote EE nationwide. In particular, pre-school EE activities, a role of museums, and Ecomuseum concept will be a key in disseminating EE in society effectively and successfully.
Agenda 21
Environmental Education