広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 50
published_at 2002-02-28

夏目漱石の『心』論 : 三人の死を通してみた「明治の精神」を中心として

A study on "KOKORO" of Natsume Souseki : Focusing on 'the spirit of Meiji' in the death of three persons
Lee Mijung
725 KB
Generally, "KOKORO" written by Natsume Souseki has been studied as a piece of psychological or romantic literature since it was written. However, this thesis examines "KOKORO" as a novel reflecting the Meiji period. More concentration is placed on the importance of sacrificial suicide practiced in the Meiji period. 'Chichi(father)' of narrator symbolizes the general public under imperialism, and 'Sensei(teacher)' and 'K' represent the educated class. In conclusion, the analysis shows that 'the spirit of Meiji' has double meanings. The death of 'Chichi' shows a devotion to nationalism, where as the death of 'Sensei' and 'K' shows suicides sacrificed for the death of the democratic spirit of Meiji.
Natsume Souseki
'The spirit of Meiji'