This research aims to develop a new school-university partnership that connects method courses at a university and student teaching at two schools and then explores the possibilities for revising the partnership based on teacher educators' understanding of its achievements and challenges. Problematizing the gap between learning at university and school, we created a teacher education system in which preservice teachers designed a unit-level curriculum during method courses at a university while considering the context of student teaching and then revised and taught it, reflecting on their practices based on learning at university during student teaching. Within this new partnership, teacher educators found it useful because they could learn how the university and the schools taught preservice teachers, how the preservice teachers designed and practiced a higher-quality curriculum than before, and how preservice teachers could develop contextualized theory about teaching and learning that they could use and transfer in other settings. However, teacher educators mentioned that the challenges, such as shallow Kyouzai Kenkyuu (Kyouzai means learning material and Kenkyuu means study or research) during method courses and implicit hierarchy between university-based teacher educators and school-based teacher educators, should be overcome in the next round of collaboration between school and university.