学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 49 号
2022-03-31 発行

多様な表現活動を窓口とした他者理解と自己へのまなざしの深化 : 自律的な学びの主体者を育む単元開発に関する一例

Understanding others through a variety of expressive activities and getting to know more about myself.
山本 千惠
丸子 英美
村上 忠君
岡﨑 絵美
松村 梨奈
井上 翔太
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In this study, based on the actual situation and issues of the children in the 6th grade, we decided to launch an art department and work on a musical for the whole grade. We developed a unit based on the idea of Project Based Learning. In this project, we divided our efforts into six phases to help children recognize others and achieve self-actualization. By experiencing the process of working with various others, the children were able to demonstrate their strengths and realize the value of working with others.