幼年教育研究年報 Volume 43
published_at 2021-10-15

幼児期におけるレジリエンスの育成に関する研究 : 保育者の意識に焦点を当てて

A Study on the Development of Resilience during Early Childhood: Focusing on the awareness of Nursery Teachers
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The purpose of this study was to clarify nursery teachers’ awareness of what is children’s resilience and how to help them recovering from difficulties in kindergarten by conducting a questionnaire survey, and to present suggestions on the development of resilience during early childhood. The results clarified that most of nursery teachers think it is important to cultivate resilience during early childhood, but they don’t have a comprehensive understanding of resilience. They tend to cultivate resilience of young children from the viewpoint of sociality and problem-solving. This suggests the need to provide childcare with a focus on the self-adjusting qualities within resilience. In addition, nursery teachers need to planning some activities to cultivate children’s resilience, not only through daily involvement such as watching over children’s behavior or accepting their feelings.
Early Childhood
awareness of Nursery Teachers
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