幼年教育研究年報 39 巻
2017-09-22 発行

子ども同士のトラブルに対する保育者と小学校教諭の言葉かけ : テキストマイニングの手法を用いた教育学部生との比較検討

Daycare and Elementary School Teachers’ Verbal Support Regarding Trouble Between Children: A Comparative Study with Undergraduate Students Using the Text Mining Method
越中 康治
目久田 純一
1.09 MB
This study aimed to explore characteristics of daycare and elementary school teachers’ verbal support to children in the context of peer trouble. A questionnaire survey was conducted among daycare teachers, which included kindergarten teachers and elementary school teachers, as well as undergraduate teaching students, who were mainly students studying to be elementary school teachers. They were requested to freely describe the verbal support they used in situations of trouble among children, and an analysis was conducted using text mining. Results revealed that undergraduate teaching students tended to make suggestions and issue warnings, such as “you cannot hit” or “you cannot do that.” Many suggestions and warnings among the elementary school teachers were similar to those of the undergraduates; however, there were also questions such as “why” and “what did you want to do?” Conversely, although, similar to the elementary school teachers, the daycare teachers asked many questions, they offered relatively few suggestions and warnings as compared with the undergraduate teaching students and elementary school teachers. It was found that daycare teachers, elementary school teachers, and undergraduate teaching students all have their own characteristic expressions.
本研究は日本パーソナリティ心理学会第21回大会において発表した内容を加筆・修正したものである。本研究はJSPS 科研費15K17263の助成を受けた。
daycare teachers
elementary school teachers
peer trouble between children
verbal support
text mining
Copyright (c) 2017 幼年教育研究年報編集委員会