学習開発学研究 Issue 8
published_at 2015-03-16

高等学校における目標管理の運用方法に関する事例研究 <研究論文 : 学習開発学の今>

The case study on the operation method of the management by objectives in a certain public high school <Research Article>
Suwa Hidehiro
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The purpose of this paper is to clarify the operative actual situation of the management by objectives in the teacher evaluation and to examine the way and a problem of the effective operation method through the analysis of the case study of certain public high school.

As a result of investigation, the following things became clear.

In the case schools, the improvement of information sharing and common understanding as a major objective, the management by objectives is actively utilized.

As a specific method, early creation of the goal sheet, long time of interview time, increase the number of classroom observation, observation contents of the feedback, there is the group interview.

The following effects were obtained.

First, by the principal improve on a daily basis faculty and communication, recognition that the management by objectives can be a powerful tool for school improvement, some while to penetrate the faculty population.

In the second, in the group interviews, look at the goal sheet of other teachers, talking their own goals and practice and results, issues and concerns, by listening to the thoughts and ideas of other teachers, information sharing and common understanding but to promote, it is in a field of learning especially for young teachers.
本稿は,九州教育経営学会第89 回定例研究会(2014年6月28日:九州大学)における自由研究発表原稿の一部を加筆修正したものである。
また,本稿は,平成24年度~26年度 日本学術振興会科学研究費(学術研究助成基金助成金(基盤研究(C))研究代表者:諏訪英広, 研究課題:教員評価の再設計とその効果に関する理論・実証的研究,課題番号:2453104)の助成を受け,実施された研究の一部である。
teacher evaluation
management by objectives
high school
Copyright (c) 2015 広島大学大学院教育学研究科学習開発学講座