Journal of Learning Science
Issue 6
Date of Issue:2013-04-30
current number
ISSN : 1883-8200
Publisher : Department of Learning Sciences, Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University
PP. -
What Kinds of Activities are Related with Strongly Development?; Relation between the Zest for Living and Everyday Activities in Elementary School Pupils.
Takahashi Tomoko Takeshima Asuka Aoki Tazuko
PP. 3 - 9
Research about the effects of dairy experiences on fostering respect for life
Suzuki Yumiko Nakano Hirofumi
PP. 11 - 18
A Study of Educational Theory of Bruner (3) : Focus on the formation process of the education theory
Imai Yasuharu
PP. 25 - 30
Attitude survey of statistics education in learning development major's students : Participants of senior after writing their graduation thesis
PP. 31 - 36
What makes differences in the guidance counseling ability of high school teachers : a comparison of career levels of high school teachers and teamwork levels of their school by PAC (Personal Attitude Construct) analysis
Morimoto Atsushi Aoki Tazuko
PP. 37 - 46
The study of university student's teacher efficacy and their images of teacher and children : Effects of participation in the Activity of Friendship at Hiroshima University
Tazaki Shinji Yonezawa Takashi
PP. 57 - 65