The purpose of this study was to examine the changes in the gender-role expectations through the classification of gender related traits. The gender-role expectations of university students in recent times were investigated using items of the M-H-F scale (Ito, 1978) which composed of gender related traits. Sixty-eight university students, 37 males and 31 females, were participated in this study. Participants asked to answer the M-H-F scale of self-concept, desirability for males and females, and Communion-Agency Scale (Dohi & Hirokawa, 2004). The main results were as follows: (1) Factor analysis on scores of gender importance for males or females showed the male role factor and the female role factor. However, some female role factor traits in this study included traits which were classified as masculinity traits in Ito (1978). (2) There were significant correlation with corresponding CAS factors. (3) The female role factor scores were higher than the male role factor scores in both males and females. These results suggested that female role expectations is changing.