学校教育実践学研究 Volume 7
published_at 2001-03-20


A Basic Study on Recognition of Facial Expressions in People with Autistic Disorder I
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Two adults with autistic disorder (28 and 26 years old) and an adult with intellectual handicap (30 years old) were tested for their ability to recognize facial expression of emotions by using animate cartoon and photograph. Because the animate cartoon was made with personal computer, the ability to recognize much delicate and realistic facial expressions could be evaluated in this research.

The results were as follows:

1. As for the facial expressions of happiness, anger which mouth is closed, and neutral, the performance of the autistic individuals was as much as the one of the person with intellectual handicap, and they were almost aware of the delicate facial expressions as well.

2. On the other hand, their performance declined about the facial expressions of sadness, anger which mouth is open, and surprise. From this result, it was assumed that the autistic individuals may have paid attention to a mouth's opening and have missed the change of expression in the upper face, and that they may have interpreted the sad expression as the angry one, too. It will be necessary to examine these assumptions by using improved animate cartoon.