学校教育実践学研究 30 巻
2024-03-15 発行

地域連携活動と中学校美術科の連動 : 地域の美術文化の創造的継承に向けて

Collaboration between Regional Cooperation Activities and Art Classes at Junior High School Toward the Creative Succession of Regional Art and Culture
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This study discusses an approach to a regional cooperation project in a junior high school art class. A team of university students engaged in a regional cooperation project acted as facilitators and created a poster to present the appeal of the works of Kunihiko Sasaki, a local painter, to the local community. The Seiwa Junior High School, where the class was held, displays many of the works entrusted by the artist’s relatives. Although students have the opportunity to see the real works of art on a daily basis during their school life, they do not always consciously appreciate them. Additionally, the fact that these works are exhibited in junior high schools is not well known to local residents. Therefore, through the discovery of the appeal of these works from the viewpoint of junior high school students and their introduction to local residents, we intended to deepen the understanding of local painters and simultaneously have junior high school students take the initiative in presenting these works to the public. Such efforts are expected to promote “Education for Sustainable Development” in the region.
regional cooperation
art class
regional culture
Education for Sustainable Development
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