学校教育実践学研究 Volume 20
published_at 2014-03-21


A Report on Overseas Teaching Practicum by Graduate Students in Elementary/Secondary Schools in the United States (Ⅶ)
Kawai Ayaka
Myodo Haruna
Kurokawa Mami
Yokoyama Ai
Amano Kohei
Ikeda Hironori
Sakai Asami
Okada Mitsumi
Sakamoto Ryo
Kikkawa Shuji
Tsuneyasu Tomoya
Fujii Hitomi
Nagasugi Shigehito
Kano Daichi
Wakahara Takashi
758 KB
The present reports is on the 7th overseas teaching practicum in the United States by 15 graduate students of Hiroshima University, Japan, partly organized by Hiroshima University Global Partnership School Center since 2007. The group was comprised of 13 elementary school and 2 secondary school education major graduate students. They planned and conducted lessons in English in three local public schools in North Carolina. The expected outcomes of this project were: 1) to self-develop practical instructional competence by teaching pupils with diverse backgrounds in the U.S.; 2) to enhance the abilities in developing teaching materials through hands-on teaching experiences in English; and 3) to acquire the abilities to design, implement and evaluate programs for promoting global partnership. In addition, the teaching experience was followed by cross-cultural study visits to Raleigh, NC and Washington, D.C. It helped to boost our group motivation that the local media, newspaper and TV, and the city Board of Education covered our visit. It is hoped that this project will enhance the students’ teaching competence in designing quality materials/lessons and classroom communication skills in English.