学校教育実践学研究 Volume 20
published_at 2014-03-21

教員養成課程学生における家庭科(食生活内容)に関する基礎知識の定着 : 中学生と比較して

Fixation of Basic Knowledge on the Home Economics (Dietary Life) for the Students of the Department of Education for Elementary School : As Compared with Lower Secondary School Pupils
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Of the survey conducted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and technology targeted at lower secondary school third-graders (about 16,000 pupils), specifically the item related to dietary concern has been researched this time covering the university freshmen aiming to acquire a elementary school teacher's license (131 respondents), as a baseline for comparison with the result of lower secondary school pupils.

In almost all questions, the percentages of correct answers of university students surpassed those of lower secondary pupils. However, a significant difference in the percentages of correct answers between university students and lower secondary school pupils was observed only in the questions concerning the measuring apparatus. The result has shown that the fixation of the knowledge has made approving progress owing to the continued course of study from elementary schools to upper secondary schools.

Additionally, regarding the reason for the intake of calcium and the meaning of the terms "quarter slice," the percentages of correct answers were lesser in lower secondary school pupils than those of university students, but still high enough as numerical values indicative of the fixation of the knowledge in these areas.

On the other hand, some questions failed to get correct answers both from university students and lower secondary school pupils, making it clear that there still existed challenges in the fixation of knowledge.