学校教育実践学研究 18 巻
2012-03-20 発行

学習意欲を高める授業構成に関する研究 : 優れた小学校教師による実践の分析を通して

A Study on the Lesson Construction for Enhancing the Learning Motivation : through Analyzing Teaching Practices by Excellent Elementary Teachers
澤口 陽彦
野村 晃弘
吉野 功祐
787 KB
The aim of this paper is to examine about the lesson construction for enhancing the learning motivation through analyzing teaching practices by excellent elementary teachers. The result of analyzing is the following three.

1) Teacher must develop the lesson plan for enhancing the learning motivation. Because, this is one of the objectives and important goal of self- learning in classroom.

2) Teacher need to prepare the instructional material and questions for enhancing the learning motivation in classroom lesson.

3) In the lesson, teacher must make the learning environment and cooperative formation and activities by children.