学校教育実践学研究 Volume 18
published_at 2012-03-20

香港における生徒指導・教育相談システムに見る日本の現状と課題への展望 : 包括的ガイダンス・カウンセリングプログラムの視察から

Inspection about Whole School Approach in Hong Kong
Yamasaki Akane
Nakamura Takashi
Yamada Yohei
Edahiro Kazunori
Nagae Ayako
1.09 MB
The purpose of this paper is to report the findings of inspections that focused on whole school approach in Hong Kong. The authors visited Hong Kong Education Bureau, two universities department of education, primary school, and two secondary schools, and find that how effective to do guidance and counseling with whole school approach. In this paper, the authors suggest what is important for doing guidance and counseling with whole school approach.