学校教育実践学研究 Volume 18
published_at 2012-03-20

学校臨床相談支援員のケースに対する意識変容 : 学校心理教育支援室「にこにこルーム」の事例から

Perspective transformation in case awareness of school counseling support staff : the case study from "Niko-niko room", the school psycho-educational support room.
Ericson Yukiko
777 KB
Since 2007, The Center of Educational Research and Practice has implemented the school counseling program as part of teacher training course. As school counseling support staff, the students practices their counseling and social skill training skills to the clients. This paper is a case study of graduate and undergraduate students, who has participated in school psycho-educational support program; Niko-Niko room. Each cases showed the students' improvement in counseling or social skill training skills, and showed perspective transformation in case awareness.