The present study was designed to investigate the effects of fermented miso in the diet on the development of lung tumors initiated by diisopropanolnitrosamine (BHP) in male Slc:Wistar rats. A total of 63 animals, 6 weeks of age, were divided into 4 groups and given BHP (2000 ppm) in their drinking water for 10 weeks. After the carcinogen treatment the rats were fed a normal control MF solid diet, or the same diet containing 100ng-term or short-term fermented miso for 12 weeks. The long-term fermented miso significantly reduced the number of lung tumors, adenocarcinomas and PCNA strongly positive tumors as compared with the short-term fermented miso. The present results thus indicate that dietary supplementation with long-term fermented miso could exert chemopreventive effects on lung carcinogenesis.