広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 Volume 5
published_at 2015-03-26

ブース形式での他グループとの交流についての研究 : 教室全体での交流と比較した効果の検討

A Study on Interaction of Different Groups in a Booth Style: Investigations of Comparisons of between Interaction in it and that in a Whole Cass Style
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The purpose of this study is to examine effects of lessons dealing with interactions of a group presentation in a booth style by using tables in a science laboratory on children's feelings toward communication activities. As a result from analyzing lessons' video records and questionnaires given to children after lessons, findings reveals that there is a rise in consciousness for each other and in communication activities, both of that are not identified in interaction in a whole class, then we assume that children's learnings are deepened. Also, it is thought that introducing interaction in a booth style could make their' learning environment closer to what they intrinsically ask for. In addition, although each group conducted experiment in a different way, it was suggested that pupils could learn each other by themselves and sum up their findings without teacher's instruction. Implications of this study are proposed to make children sum up their feelings without a teacher's instruction in case of implementations of different experiments on each group.
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