広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 Volume 5
published_at 2015-03-26

粘り強く文章に向き合う子どもを育む授業づくり : 第6学年「きつねの窓」の実践を通して

A Study of Developing a Lesson to Foster Children's Abilities to Read the Text Patiently: Through the Classroom Practice of "Kitsune no Mado" in the 6th Grade
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This study aims to cultivate children's abilities to read the text patiently through a classroom practice of "Kitsune no Mado". Throughout the process of exchanging their interpretations of the text, children became aware of changes in their own understandings of it, and engaged in studying it repeatedly and patiently. This study reveals that children's attitudes to read the text subjectively are associated with their understandings of it in terms of their perspectives and exchange of opinions with other children. Implications of this study are discussed to propose significance of reading the text repeatedly by getting a variety of their understandings of it straight and explore to develop a lesson with an aim to make children find out significance of discussing the text in class.
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