広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 Volume 5
published_at 2015-03-26

物語世界を楽しみ,学ぶ楽しさをつくりだす国語科の学習 : 第2学年「お手紙」の実践を通して

Japanese Language Learning to Enjoy the Story's World and Create the Joy of Learning: Through a Teaching Practice with “The Letter” in the Second Grade
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This research aims to develop a course unit where students can enjoy learning and the story's world. The unit deals with "The Letter" as a reading material, and tries to fulfill the following three points: effective encounters with the work, extension of students' views on the work, and integration of reading instruction with writing. The practice of the unit leads to the conclusion that these three are effective methods for children to enjoy learning and the story's world in that they improved children's motivation and interest and led them to get aware of the author's ingenuity in "The Letter." Some problems still need to be discussed: how reading activity should integrate with writing, and how they are interrelated. Findings of this study reveal to clarify how reading activities should integrate with writing, and how they are.
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