広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科紀要. 教育学研究 3 号
2022-12-23 発行

中国語を母語とする日本語学習者における「並列節のテ」の誤用に関する考察 : 過剰使用と不使用を中心に

Misuse of the te form in parallel clauses by Chinese-speaking learners of Japanese: Non-use and over-use
廖 琳
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This study investigates patterns of misuse and overuse of the te form in parallel clauses. The data were extracted from the YUK Tagged Corpus by Chinese learners of Japanese. The following results were obtained: (1) Overuse is likely to occur, as overuse appears about 12 times as much as non-use. However, as a stylistic tendency, there is a common feature concentrated on the da /dearu style. (2) Misuse patterns of overuse include 3 types and 5 categories. For example: parallel (“antecedent and consequent” and “separate presentation”), succession (“no continuity before or after”), and contrast (“lack of unity by theme” and “formal similarity”), but more than 60% are in parallel. (3) As for misuse patterns of non-use, there are patterns related to the predicate of the antecedent, such as“ function word expression” and“ one beat of the conjunctive form.” There are also things related to semantic use, such as the“ catching method of unity” and the“ causal relationship.” Non-use due to the“ catching method of unity” accounts for most misuse cases. (4) For overuse and non-use, there are many cases of misuse where the reading point is a formal tendency. This reading point indicates that the learner is aware there is a break before and after the reading point. At that time, overuse involves the te form plus the reading point, and the learner has a break between sections at the reading point. At the same time, both are connected by the te form, which represents them. Non-use indicates that the learner cannot judge a situation where “continuation of continuous use” and the te form are mixed, and the te form cannot be used.
te-form+reading point
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