広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 Issue 67
published_at 2018-12-21

キャリア教育科目におけるシラバスの内容分析 : テキストマイニングによるアプローチ

Content Analysis of Syllabi in Career Education Subjects: Text-Mining Approach
Miyata Hirokazu
2.09 MB
This study explores the currently available career education subjects based on text-mining a career education syllabi, which covers class goals, class content, and grade evaluation methods, considering the mandated objectives indicated when the syllabi were created. The main result shows that “class content” was more conscious of employment support compared with “class goals.” Class content was coded in the analyses, and although the class contents were diverse, employment support was the second most frequently mentioned item after skills development. Class content was found to be more conscious of employment support when the relationships between each code were analyzed. These results disprove those of previous studies. Students’ employment support focused on an inside-out approach centered on the students’ own goal-setting and skills development. Finally, the percentages of social recognition subjects were high for both prestigious and national universities.
Career education subjects
Text mining