広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 Issue 66
published_at 2017-12-22

特別活動と教師の語りの接合過程(アーティキュレーション) : 小学校教師のライフヒストリー

Articulation of Special Activities and a Teacher’s Narrative: The Life History of an Elementary School Teacher
Isemoto Dai
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The aim of this study is to consider the possibility of qualitative research on special activities. Therefore, this study will reveal a narrative of the changing process related to the special activities of elementary school teachers from a life history perspective. Specifically, this study describes the history of a teacher who previously was “not interested in special activities”, and how he later became interested in such activities. Based on the life history of co-workers, two key findings were revealed. First, it is important to indicate the “usefulness” of special activities; it is not enough to state how “wonderful” a practice might be. Narrative that collaborators own model joined with “thought to be a base” in the special activities, by new words are reconfigured. This may significantly improve awareness regarding special activities. Second, it was suggested that to increase interest in special activities requires a considerable amount of time. Future research is required to interpret the changing process of the special activities of teachers as revealed in this study. It is necessary find an answer to the problem of how ensure more schools will include the Japan Special Activities Society in their curriculums in the near future.
special activities
life history
teacher’s narrative