広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 66 号
2017-12-22 発行

戦後教員養成の出発における「教育原理」の導入に関する研究 : 東北大学初代教育学部長細谷恒夫の理念と学科課程案から

The Implementation of the“ Principle of Education” in Teacher Education Programs in Post-War period: Focusing on the Concept and Curriculum designed by Tsuneo Hosoya, the First Director of the Department of Education of Tohoku University
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The aim of this study is to elucidate what kind of curriculum was designed for post-World War II teacher education. The focus lies on Tohoku University’s Department of Education. I look at the role of the “principle of education” in teacher education program. The department is the nationwide organization that was created by the incorporation of normal school that is the organization of compulsory teacher training into imperial university. Looking the situation in the context of the reform period, the creation of the department represented an ideal leader in “teacher training in universities” because the university could provide high-quality instructor education, and it was based in a research university. The following two points were revealed. (1) “Principle of education” was emphasized by requiring rather junior course than senior course. (2) Hosoya plan had the feature that it imposes many subjects related to teacher teaching on students. In fact, however, the curriculum with many free elective subjects was implemented.
Teacher Training in the University
Post War
Educational philosophy
Principle of Education